About the Studio

Founded by Eric Wilcox in 2021, Studio Burran is named for his grandfather, the late architect James A. Burran, whose mastery of space and light instilled in Eric an early appreciation for the way thoughtful design can inform our daily lives.

Prior to founding Studio Burran, Eric spent over half a decade as director of Global Store Development at Ralph Lauren in New York City, where he spearheaded the design and construction of many of the brand’s most recognizable properties – among them, the timeless, Manhattan institution, The Polo Bar, as well as a fleet of international, flagship stores spanning from Connecticut to Abu Dhabi and Shanghai.

After relocating to Los Angeles, Eric worked for Michael Smith, developing his client’s art collections in addition to sourcing vintage and antique design elements. He went on to join Marmol Radziner, where he spent the better part of eight years evolving their interiors studio – shepherding dozens of residential projects throughout the country.

Synthesizing Eric's years of experience with his own family legacy, Studio Burran is a practice steeped in the foundational principles of design. Fluent in traditional and contemporary design, our approach to every project is unique; grounding each in a convergence of aesthetic vision and functional design that is informed by the project’s geographical location and architectural arrangement. But perhaps no element is more important to our practice than our clients and the way they live their lives.

It is through the study and synthesis of these various considerations that we determine the approach to each project, carefully refining every detail throughout our process to achieve the optimal vision. While Studio Burran works within the framework of a multitude of styles, the throughline that echoes from project to project is our commitment to the simplicity and ease of California Minimalism.

California Minimalism represents a unique and refined design philosophy, encapsulating an approachable modern aesthetic that supports a lifestyle of simplicity, functionality, and calmness. Drawing inspiration from Japanese design principles that value open space and the natural state of objects, California Minimalism resonates with the Zen philosophy of embracing imperfection to find beauty in the natural and unrefined. Making meaningful connections between the interior and exterior, our design employs a controlled use of light and color with layered textures to create timeless, inviting spaces that embody the minimalist spirit.

From Frank Lloyd Wright and Rudolph Schindler to Richard Neutra and Frank Gehry, California’s rich history of creativity and radical innovation in both architecture and design has fostered a long-standing tradition of open experimentation. This approach is not restrained to strict styles or trends but is rather a timely evolution of the California Look, blending clean lines with a mix of old and new elements – always holding a deep respect for materials and craftsmanship.

As our clients seek tranquility and a connection to their environment, California Minimalism presents a design paradigm that is both timeless and deeply rooted in the essence of comfort and approachability.